Training and Certifications
In keeping with the Y’s focus on social responsibility, various certifications and training opportunities happen throughout the year to ensure our community is prepared to assist in a time of need or be as prepared as possible in everyday life situations. The ability to act swiftly and follow proper procedures can help save a life.
Whether you’re interested in learning skills to be prepared in case of an emergency at home or at work, the YMCA can provide you with confidence and competence in performing first aid.
We provide trainings through American Red Cross. Students will learn the skills necessary to effectively assess and maintain life during moments immediately following an emergency. This class covers sudden illnesses, wounds, burns, and heat and cold related emergencies.
CPR & AED Certification
At the Y, we believe in providing a safe environment to the members and community. We provide trainings through American Red Cross.
Students are taught how to perform CPR for infants, children, and adults; how and when to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED); use of a barrier device during CPR; how to work with another rescuer and how to relieve a foreign body airway obstruction.
After registering for a course, a link (digital key) will be e-mailed to participants regarding the online training that must be completed prior to in-classroom training.
If online work is not completed, participants will need to reschedule and attend another class.
In-classroom training takes place at the Y; it will cover skills demonstration and testing. Please contact Dinnia Cairy to schedule classroom training.

Certification and Training Schedules
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